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Each Saturday we meet at Ern Clark athletics track to compete with 5 other clubs.

We rotate through 3 programs that usually run from 7:30am to 11:15am. Sometimes we finish earlier or later. It is not essential that children compete in every event but it’s encouraged to compete in as many as they can.

The programs can be found here : Southern Stars (

How do Saturday’s work?

  • Arrive by 7:30 and help setup tents with our club. We all sit together on the grass hill. Bring a chair to sit on.
  • The Announcer will start calling age groups to go to different events at different times. Listen out for your age group. Events are optional.
  • This continues until all the events are complete, where we pack up and go home!
  • There is a canteen on site and usually a coffee van. If you are finished early there is no obligation to hang around, although we all generally pitch in to pull down our tents and pack them away.